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  Rheumatoid arthritis is often thought of as a joint disease that is common among older people, but it is actually a common disease among women in their 30s and 50s. The cause is unknown, but it is known that one's immunity is an autoimmune disease that attacks one's cells. The main symptoms are joint symptoms such as swelling and pain in the joints. Especially, when you wake up in the morning, the joints are stiff and unable to move, and the symptoms appear symmetrically. In addition to joint symptoms, cold-like symptoms such as low-grade fever, muscle aches, tiredness, and loss of appetite appear. The cause is currently unknown, but it is known to be an "autoimmune disease" in which one's immunity attacks one's cells. Immune cells attack your joints. In addition to joint symptoms, cold-like symptoms such as low-grade fever, muscle aches, tiredness, and loss of appetite appear. Drug treatment : If you are diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, you will be treated with a drug called "anti-rheumatoid drug" that suppresses or regulates immunity. If the pain does not go away, painkillers or steroids may be used. Recent studies have shown that early treatment with anti-rheumatic drugs is effective and eliminates symptoms. Furthermore, since 2003, a treatment called "biopharmacy" that has a dramatic effect on rheumatoid arthritis has been covered by insurance. In addition to being expensive, there are problems such as being prone to infections, but if anti-rheumatic drugs alone cannot suppress symptoms and joint destruction. Surgery: If left untreated or if the treatment is not successful, the joints may be destroyed and deformed. If you do so, you may have difficulty walking or you may not be able to hold chopsticks, which may interfere with your daily life. In that case, surgery such as "artificial joint replacement" is performed to replace the broken joint with an artificial joint. Rehabilitation : If you have rheumatoid arthritis, you tend to protect your joints, but if you do not move them, the joints will gradually become stiff and will not move. Also, the muscles that move the joints will fall. Therefore, it is important to perform slow joint exercises and isometric exercises after taking a warm bath. However, be sure to follow the guidance of a specialist regarding the method and precautions to be taken. Treatments for rheumatoid arthritis have made dramatic progress, but on the other hand, many people have been struggling to improve their symptoms and have been suffering from joint pain. Especially for those who have had rheumatoid arthritis even before new drugs are introduced, the symptoms are often complicated and joint destruction has progressed, and it may not be possible to solve it with Western medicine or surgery alone. Chinese herbs are used to relieve the symptoms that have been around for many years and improve the inconvenient life. In most cases, it is used in combination with anti-rheumatic drugs rather than using Chinese herbs alone. In the case of Chinese herbal medicine, unlike anti-rheumatic medicine, it is not used as rheumatoid arthritis. Even for the same joint pain and swelling, the appropriate prescription will be decided in consideration of the person's constitution, pain condition, swelling condition... In addition, people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis are often in a state of "spirit", which is lacking in "ki, blood, water", which causes fatigue and coldness.

  The patient 

 The hands of the patient swell are painful and hot since 10 years. The shoulders, the helbows are also painful and the body is stiffing. Two months after the beginning of the treatment the pain was already lighter and the stiff shoulders almost disappeared. After 4 months the weather don't have influence of the joints pain. After 7 months the body didn't swell anymore and the stool are back to the physiological state. The treatment gonna last 11 months. 

                    JOINT PAIN

  A joint is a bone-to-bone connection. There is cartilage at the tip of the bone, which nourishes the bone and acts as a cushion. In addition, the joint is covered with a bag called the joint capsule, and the mucus called joint fluid in it protects the cartilage. In addition, there are tendons and muscles around the joints. If there are no problems with these cartilage, tendons, muscles,... the joints will move smoothly, but if any one of them causes problems, the joints will become painful, and in some cases, movement will be hindered or swollen. There are several diseases that cause joint pain, such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and bone cancer, but most are osteoarthritis due to overuse and aging. There are two types of joint pain : temporary pain due to sprains, bruises, and colds, and chronic pain. Diseases that cause chronic joint pain include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, arthritis, and bone cancer. Most of them are osteoarthritis caused by the cartilage being worn down or the joint itself being deformed due to overuse or aging. Of the joint pains, if it is found that there is a symptom in the joint due to a systemic illness such as collagen disease or gout, priority is given to the treatment for the illness itself, and if the pain is severe, pain relief is used to relieve the pain. On the other hand, in the case of osteoarthritis, treatments such as taking medicine to stop pain, using patches and ointments, and warming the aching joint are given. If your knees or hips hurt and you think one of the causes is overweight, ask them to lose weight. It is also effective to support the joints with supporters and taping (see the guidance of a specialist for the method). There is a concept of "ki, blood, water" in Kampo. Of these, joint pain presents with water abnormalities, "water poisoning," and it is believed that the causes are qi abnormalities and blood abnormalities. Therefore, first of all, a Chinese herbal medicine called "water-use medicine" that improves water poisoning is used. Since there are various water-use medicines, a suitable Chinese medicine is prescribed while observing the person's constitution, joint symptoms, and other systemic symptoms.

  The patient 

 The patient suffer of painful, swelling, and deformity of the joints. The neck and the shoulders are stiffing and painful. In the morning the hand can hardly move and headache often appear. After 1 month the painful shoulders got better, after 2 months the back and the shoulders got much better. The treatment gonna last 9 months. 

                                                       SPINAL STENOSIS

 A condition in which the spinal canal through which the spinal cord passes is narrowed and nerves are chronically compressed. Causes of stenosis include herniated discs, degenerative spondylolisthesis, and age-related degeneration of the disc, vertebral body, facet joints, and vertebral arch. Therefore, it is often found on the waist, which is a burden. It can also be caused by trauma or congenital bone hypoplasia. The pressure on the nerves causes pain in the stenotic area, pain in the lower limbs, and numbness. A characteristic symptom of spinal canal stenosis in the lumbar region is that if you continue walking or standing, you will experience pain and numbness in your lower limbs, and you will not be able to walk. After a short rest, the symptoms will disappear. If the nerve roots are damaged, you may experience pain (sometimes numbness) in the lower limbs and buttocks. When the cauda equina nerve is damaged, numbness and dullness may be felt in the lower limbs and buttocks, and dysuria such as frequent urination and defecation disorders may occur (cauda equina syndrome). There may also be a mixture of nerve root and cauda equina symptoms. Very rarely, there is widespread spinal stenosis in the lumbar region, neck and chest. In that case, it may cause pain in the limbs and trunk, numbness and weakness, movement disorders in the limbs, intermittent claudication and dysuria, and defecation disorders. Kampo can relieve some pain.

                                                         BACK PAIN

  Back pain can be caused simply by muscle fatigue, bruising, trauma, osteoporosis, or deformity of the lumbar spine. In addition, it should be noted that low back pain may occur due to diseases of the pancreas, liver, digestive system, stones, gynecological diseases, and psychogenic diseases. In the past, it was said to be low back pain that is common among manual workers, but nowadays lifestyles have changed, such as standing work and desk work, lack of exercise, obesity, and over-effective air conditioning, so men and women of all ages are suffering from back pain. Not only does it hurt, but numbness can also be linked, which can hinder your life. There is no decisive factor for treatment by modern medicine. Painkillers, nerve blocks, physiotherapy such as traction and gymnastics, and surgical treatment are performed.When you hold something, it hurts when you bend your body, it hurts when it gets cold, and it hurts when it is humid, and there are many cases where it hurts depending on the temperature and weather. In addition, there are various pains such as tingling, tingling, and heavy tingling, and it may be accompanied by numbness. Then, after observing whether there is coldness, blood circulation, or water poisoning as a constitution, we will select Chinese medicine. Those with moving pain are called wind, those with cold are called cold, and those with heavy and dull pain are called wet, and they tend to appear in combination such as wind cold, cold humidity, and wind cold humidity. These are common in people with back pain that are affected by temperature and weather. Trauma and low back pain can cause poor blood circulation. It is characterized by severe stinging pain and often recurs. Stiff shoulders, headaches, and women may have gynecological illnesses. Low back pain in people with cold legs often seems to be debilitating in the kidneys, which are the viscera involved in aging. It may be deaf, frequent urination, or nocturia. I think it also applies to people with osteoporosis. Pain will be gradually relieved with a Chinese herbal medicine tailored to that person.

  The patient (1)

 The patient suffer of sciatica (which can be causing by an hernia or a lomber spondylosis or spinal caries...) The pain on the right leg come with numbness. The pain reduce with the hot temperature and the neck and the shoulders stiff easily. The back is cold. 

 After 1 month of treatment the shoulders doesn't stiff anymore. Three months after the beginning of the treatment the numbness, the pain, the heaviness and the coldness feeling disappear and the high blood suger level reduced a lot. After 5 months of the treatment the hands, the feet are much hotter and the pain almost completely disappear and the treatment gonna last 3 more months. 

  The patient (2)

 Suffer of knees pain and the knees are sweelling and the feets and the legs are particularly cold. He suffer of chronic fatigue and high blood pressure. After one month the swelling legs reduced. After 2 months, the swelling knees also reduced and moved easillier. After 4 months the pain reduced a lot. The treatment gonna last 7 months. 

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