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Kampo Pharmacy

Headaches are divided into acute headaches, in which pain is so severe that it cannot be tolerated, subacute headaches, in which the pain becomes severe with wrinkles over a period of days to weeks, and chronic headaches, in which chronic or recurrent pain occurs. In the case of acute headache or subacute headache, serious illnesses such as subarachnoid hemorrhage and brain tumor may be hidden, so it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible. On the other hand, chronic headaches are classified into three types : tension-type headaches, migraine headaches, and cluster headaches. It is very important to know the type of headache you have, as each has different causes, treatments and preventions. 1. Tension-type headache: It is characterized by continuous pain so that the entire head and back of the head can be tightened with a band. It can hurt like a pulsation, or it can hurt like a sting. The cause is tension in the neck and shoulder muscles due to stress and long hours of desk work. It may also be caused by the height of the working desk not matching, eyestrain, dentures (dentures) not matching, or habit of clenching teeth. It is often accompanied by stiff shoulders and stiff neck. Eliminating the underlying cause of this type of headache is the first step in improving symptoms. Relieve stress, moderate alcohol, bathing, massage, and exercise are also effective in relieving tension. If the pain persists after doing this, treat it. It is common to use "muscle relaxants" to relieve muscle tension. 2. Migraine : I feel dull pain on one or both sides of my temples, and eventually the pain begins to pulsate and spreads throughout my head. As a sign of a headache, you may see a flash of light or a zigzag light in front of you. In addition to headaches, nausea and vomiting may occur. These migraine symptoms are said to be caused by dilation of blood vessels in the brain, but the cause is unknown. It is common among young women. Treatment uses drugs that have the function of constricting blood vessels in the head. It is effective to drink when there is a sign mentioned above. If the pain begins, use painkillers. Migraine headaches have been found to be more likely to occur on leisurely holidays than on busy weekdays. It is important to lead a regular life even on holidays. 3. Cluster headache is a common headache in men. The pain begins in and around the back of the eyes and spreads to the forehead, temples, and chin. Pain usually appears in the same pattern. It may be accompanied by hyperemia, runny nose, and sweating. The cause is unknown, but it is characterized by occurring at fixed times such as midnight and dawn. For chronic headaches, it seems that painkillers are often taken to overcome the situation, but many people are worried about regular use. In such cases, using a Chinese medicine that suits the characteristics of the headache and the person's constitution may reduce the amount of painkillers or eliminate the need to take painkillers.
The patient
Since 3 years he suffer about painful pressure feeling on the head especially in the morning. The others symptoms are dizziness, stiff shoulders, high blood pressure and tinnitus. After 1 month the stiff shoulders disappear, after 2, the headache stpped, after 4 months the blood pressure get back to the normal. The treatment gonna last 9 months.
Neuralgia is the one that hurts sharply along the peripheral nerves. There are times when it hurts and times when it does not hurt, but it is characterized by repeated pain. Trigeminal neuralgia hurts the face, especially around the eyes and chin. The cause is said to be pain when blood vessels touch the trigeminal nerve. In addition, it seems that it may be caused by a tumor. Intercostal neuralgia is a sharp pain from the back to the chest. It is said that the intercostal nerve often touches the bone. Sciatica pains from the lower back to the thighs, calves, and the ends of the legs. It is often caused by a herniated disc, and it hurts because the lumbar spine touches the nerves. Treatments include anti-inflammatory analgesics, drug therapy such as vitamin B12, physical therapy, and nerve block.In the case of neuralgia, water poisoning and blood (bad blood circulation) are often related in Chinese medicine treatment, so select a Chinese medicine that will take them according to your constitution. I will. From the perspective of Kampo medicine, headaches can also be divided into types. Migraine is thought to be a condition in which "ki (life energy)", which is the Chinese way of thinking, does not go around correctly and goes backwards. For that purpose, we will relieve the symptoms by using Chinese herbal medicine that restores the feelings. When prescribing Chinese herbs, not only headaches but also other symptoms such as coldness, gastrointestinal weakness, and stiff shoulders and neck are taken into consideration, so disorders other than headaches can be improved.
The liver is sometimes used to express the strength of the feelings, such as the liver ball, the liver, and the liver sitting. Even in oriental medicine, the viscera that control emotions is called the liver (kan: a concept that is a little different from the liver). If you get sick with something, you can easily get frustrated, anxious, sad, and eventually sick. It is said that in the spring, it is closely related to the viscera of the liver in the theory of the Ying-Yang Five Elements that people in the past thought. (Summer is the heart, autumn is the lungs, winter is the kidneys) From this, it is said that the merry of spring easily affects the liver and is easy to get sick, and it seems that it tends to be mentally unstable. With Chinese herbs, various symptoms are alleviated by adjusting the basic balance.
There are various causes of insomnia, starting with changes in the living environment and disturbed lifestyle, to those associated with diseases such as hypertension, arteriosclerosis, respiratory diseases, neurosis and depression. As a result, the body's basic balance is lost and the autonomic nerves are disturbed, resulting in symptoms such as being unable to sleep at night. Many Western medicines, such as hospital medicines, have immediate effects. In addition, some medicines have fewer side effects than before. However, if it is continued for a long period of time, in rare cases, physical disability or addiction may occur. Others may not feel refreshed when they wake up, or may experience symptoms such as sleepiness and dullness all day long. On the other hand, in the case of Chinese herbs, there are no side effects and no addiction if they are adapted to the symptoms and constitution.
The patient (1)
Since 5 or 6 years the patient can't sleep easily and wake up many times during the night. In the morning he feel heaviness. He feel heavy head, easily depressed, anxiety, slight fever, menstrual pain, anemia, and the liver test show some weakness. After one month of treatment the heaviness disappear. After 3 months the patient doesn't wake up in the middle of the night anymore and sleep easillier. The painful menstruation and the fever were cured. The treatment gonna last 7 months.
The patient (2)
Two years before, the patient wake up many times in the middle of the night and suffer of many dreams and nightmare, feel heaviness in the morning, short temper, dizziness, hot flash and facial sweating. The cholesterol rate is high and the stool are abnormal bowel movement.
After 1 month of treatment the short temper disappear, after 3 months the patient sleep much better. After 6 months the sweating issue was cured. The treatment gonna last 8 months.
Depressive symptoms are states of mind such as "somehow depressed," "depressed," and "feeling depressed." If depressive symptoms are not temporary and last for months, or if something causes these symptoms, you may have various illnesses such as depression, so consult a specialist once. Depressive symptoms are states of mind such as "somehow depressed," "depressed," and "feeling depressed." Sometimes we use the terms "depressed" and "depressed". These feelings are very natural, even when you have a broken heart or fail the exam, but if you have long-standing depression / depressive symptoms or interfere with your daily life, you may have depression and other illnesses. It may be caused by a serious illness. You should see a specialist once. Diagnostic criteria for depression 1. I feel sadness and emptiness almost all day, and I have depression / depressive symptoms. 2. I'm not interested in various things. I don't feel joy 3. I lose weight or gain weight even though I haven't done anything. In addition, there is an abnormal appetite or appetite. 4. I can't sleep. Or no matter how much I sleep, I can't sleep enough. 5. The movement became slow, and the number of words decreased. Or, conversely, I became restless. I was chatting. 6. I feel tired. I don't have the energy. 7. You can't find value in everything. To blame yourself. 8. Loss of thinking and concentration. I can't make a decision. 9. I always think about death and want to die. Depression is diagnosed when five of the above items, including (1) or (2), continue for more than two weeks at the same time. If it is just depression / depressive symptom, basically no treatment is given, and we will try to improve the symptom by improving daily life such as eliminating the cause of stress and taking rest as much as possible. On the other hand, if you are diagnosed with depression, you will be treated for depression. Antidepressants are mainly used, but recently, drugs with less dependence and side effects are used. At the same time, psychotherapy may be given. If you complain of insomnia or strong anxiety, use sleeping pills or anxiolytics together. Recently, the number of people suffering from mild depression is increasing, but it is known that the earlier the treatment is started, the faster and more reliable the treatment will be, so "because it is temporary" and "psychiatry It's a good idea to go to the clinic once instead of saying "the threshold is high". The idea of Kampo medicine is "ki, blood, water". Depressive / depressive symptoms are considered to be a state in which the vital energy "Qi" that goes around the body is not flowing smoothly, and the symptoms include mainly Chinese herbs that regulate the flow of Qi and those that have a calming effect. I will correspond. For now, antidepressants are the drug of choice for depression. It seems that Chinese herbal medicines are often used for people with depressive / depressive symptoms, people with mild depression, or in combination with Western medicines such as antidepressants. Chinese herbs may also be used as a countermeasure against the side effects of antidepressants.
The patient (1)
Feel a lack of motivation, can hardly focus on his job and can't read a book. He feels pessimistic and with no energy. After 2 months of treatment the patient feel better, after 3 months the body is more flexible and the hands is getting warmer and the bowel movement is cure. After 6 months the concentration improved and the spirit is better. The treatment gonna last 11 months.
The patient (2)
The patient feel a lack of motivation, doesn't want to meet people and want to stay alone all day long. She suffer of insomnia and stomach weakness. After one month, the patient feel a little bit better. Heaviness and dizziness disappear after 2 months. After 3 months the patient sleep easillier and doesn't dream so much. After 5 months the patient feel more peaceful. The treatment last 8 months.
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