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Kampo Pharmacy

Dizziness, hearing loss, ear pain, and a feeling of ear blockage (a feeling of clogging of the ears) are often associated with hearing loss. "Ear" diseases such as otitis, Ménière's disease with dizziness and hearing loss Hypertension / hypotension, Imbalance of autonomic nerves due to excessive stress. However, even if detailed examination is performed, the cause There are many things that cannot be identified.
The patient (1)
The tinnitus is particulary strong at night, with fatigue, or when the patient drink too much. The stool are often soft and there are lot of dizziness. After 1 month the stool went back to the normal after 3 months the intensity of the tinnitus is getting smaller, and after 6 months the short temper disappear. The treatment gonna last 13 months.
The patient (2)
The sound is especially strong at night which cause insomnia and frustration. He has high blood pressure dizziness, and the result of his liver test are pretty bad.
After 2 weeks of treatment the stiff shoulders and neck almost disappeared. After one and half month the intensity of the tinnitus had already reduce. After 4 months of the blood pressure was much better and the headache disappeared. After 7 months the patient can sleep easily and the liver test were close to the normal. He gonna drink kampo 4 more months.
There are two types of dizziness: vestibular dizziness and non-vestibular dizziness. Vestibular dizziness includes peripheral dizziness with abnormalities in the inner ear and peripheral nerves such as Meniere's, vestibular neuritis, and side effects of drugs, and central with abnormalities on the central side such as cerebrovascular disorders and brain tumors. Abnormalities in the cervical spine, blood pressure, endocrine disorders, ophthalmic disorders, menopause, etc. apply to non-vestibular dizziness.
The patient
The patient complain about dizziness, tinnitus, short temper, insomnia and nausea during crisis. One month of treatment could cure the stools problem and the heavy head feeling. Three months of Kampo could stop the tinnitus. The treatment gonna last 7 months.
Stroke recovery
After a stroke the patient can barely move the right hand and feel strong numbness. There is a paralysis mouth and the patient can hardly talk and drool. The patient feel pressure in the head, has high blood pressure and the legs are swelling.
After 2 months of treatment, little by little, the power of the right hand is coming back. After 5 months of Kampo the patient don't drool anymore and can use his right hand in is daily life. After 7 months : the pressure in the head reduce complitly. The patient can talk without problem after 11 months. The treatment gonna last 14 months.
Hearing loss is divided into conductive hearing loss and sensory hearing loss. Conductive hearing loss, which is impaired in transmitting sounds such as the outer ear and middle ear, is mainly caused by acute otitis media. Those with disorders of the inner ear and the nervous system after that are called sensory hearing loss, and in this case, it is relatively difficult to treat.
Hay fever is an allergic reaction to a particular pollen. Symptoms like runny nose, stuffy nose, itchy eyes, watery eyes, throat irritation, rough skin,... appear when these pollen flies. Hay fever is an allergic reaction that uses pollen as an allergen (antigen). Lymphocytes, which are one of the immune cells, are roughly divided into Th1 lymphocytes (hereinafter, Th1) and Th2 lymphocytes (hereinafter, Th2). Each has a different role, Th1 mainly works against viruses and bacteria, and Th2 works mainly against food and pollen. In other words, it is Th2 that causes an allergic reaction. It is known that these two lymphocytes have a seesaw-like relationship, and that when Th1 is high, Th2 is low, and when Th2 is high, Th1 is low. When allergies such as pollinosis occur, the balance between the two is lost and Th2 increases. The cause of the imbalance is not well understood, but it is said that it is highly possible that lifestyles such as stress and disordered eating habits have an effect. The mechanism by which allergies occur is as follows. When Th2 detects allergens such as pollen, house dust, and mites, it conveys that information to mast cells, which store various chemical messengers. Mast cells that receive the information release chemical mediators such as histamine and leukotrienes. When these histamine and leukotrienes work on the sensory nerves of the nose and eyes, various symptoms peculiar to pollinosis occur. The most important thing in treating hay fever is not to hit (expose) pollen. If the symptoms still do not improve, medication may be given. Currently, the most commonly used drugs are antihistamines and antiallergic drugs. Both are drugs that block histamine released from mast cells. This medicine is effective for histamine-induced symptoms such as runny nose, watery eyes, itchy eyes, and sneezing. Regarding nasal congestion, there is currently no oral drug that strongly blocks leukotrienes without side effects, and at this stage, taking steroids that suppress Th2 and long-term administration of antibacterial drugs that prevent bacterial infection and prevent worsening of symptoms are available. The problem with anti-histamines and anti-allergic drugs is that, as you know, they tend to get sleepy. Histamine not only causes allergic symptoms, but also has an important function of activating the brain. Therefore, blocking histamine with drugs lowers the level of alertness in the brain, causing drowsiness and drowsiness. Recently, a new type of anti-histamine that has been made to prevent the drug from entering the brain has appeared, but it seems that some people still get sleepy. In addition to drug treatment, laser treatment (burning the mucous membrane of the nose with a laser) and desensitization therapy (putting allergens into the body little by little to make it less likely to cause allergies) are also performed. In the case of Kampo treatment, it is divided into suppressing the symptoms themselves and improving the predisposition to get sick to make the body less prone to illness. This is a treatment policy that is common not only to the treatment of pollinosis but also to many Kampo treatments. In the case of hay fever, it will cure runny nose, stuffy nose, sneezing, etc. and improve allergic constitution. First of all, the symptom of pollinosis is regarded as "abnormal water balance in the body (water poisoning)". Water poisoning is a condition in which there is little water where it is needed and a lot of it accumulates in a specific area. A runny nose and watery eyes are symptoms that result from the accumulation of water in unnecessary places. Nasal congestion also occurs when water accumulates in the mucous membrane of the nose and swells. Some people say that they somehow swell during the period of hay fever, but this is also a manifestation of water poisoning. On the other hand, medical examinations are conducted according to the concept of "Energy, blood, and water", and Chinese medicine is prescribed based on the results. "Ki" is like the so-called energy of life, "blood" is blood, and "water" is water other than blood. The concept of "water poisoning" came out earlier, but this "water" is the same as the "water" of qi, blood, and water. Qi plays a role like power, which circulates blood and water well. In water poisoning, it is thought that there is a problem with "water" and the flow of water is impaired, and at the same time, there is some problem with "ki" that controls the flow of water. Also, depending on the person, there may be a problem with "water" due to an abnormality in "blood". It is to correct these abnormalities of qi, water, and blood so that qi, blood, and water work in a well-balanced manner. In any case, remembering to take Chinese herbs patiently is the most important key to the basic treatment of pollinosis. Recently, Western medical research has been attempted on the effects of Chinese herbs on improving their constitution. Basic research has shown that taking a Chinese herbal medicine reduced Th2 lymphocytes and increased Th1 lymphocytes. In this way, it is gradually confirmed that Chinese herbs improve allergic constitution.
The patient
The Hay fever start 6 years before with symptoms such as runny nose, clogged nose, palpitation, shortness of breath. The patient suffer of other allergies rhinitis and atopic.
After one month of Kampo the runny nose. After two months of treatment the palpitation and shortness of breath. 9 months of treatment gonna cure this allergy.
Allergic rhinitis is when sneezing, runny nose, or stuffy nose is caused by some kind of stimulus. It is said that when a specific allergen enters the body and an antigen-antibody reaction occurs, histamine is released and causes inflammation. House dust, pollen, and food are allergens. It is important to remove allergens as a daily precaution. Treatment includes nasal drops, antihistamines, and oral corticosteroids. In Chinese medicine treatment, allergic rhinitis is mainly considered as water poisoning, so select a Chinese medicine that moisturizes based on the symptoms and constitution. It is also effective to improve your general condition for the purpose of improving your constitution when there is no rhinitis.
Acute sinusitis that follows acute rhinitis such as a cold is called acute sinusitis, and chronic sinusitis that does not heal the inflammation is called chronic sinusitis. What is sinusitis? Inflammation of the sinuses causes repeated bacterial infections when they become chronic, and pus tends to accumulate in the sinuses. You may experience nasal symptoms such as sticky runny nose, stuffy nose, post-nasal drip, and lack of odor, as well as headaches and heavy headaches. Treatments for chronic sinusitis include nasal drops, antibiotics, oral anti-inflammatory agents, and surgical treatment. Chinese herbal medicine treatment is effective for the purpose of relieving symptoms
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