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Chronic renal failure
Renal failure is a condition in which the kidneys work to excrete waste products as urine and cannot regulate water and electrolytes. There are two types of renal failure : those that occur rapidly (acute renal failure) and those in which renal function gradually declines (chronic renal failure). Acute renal failure is mainly caused by a decrease in blood volume due to heart disease, which prevents blood from flowing to the kidneys, causes kidneys such as nephritis, and urine from urinary tract disorders due to abnormalities in the urinary tract system. It is said that the flow of urine stops. Chronic renal failure is dominated by chronic glomerulonephritis and diabetic nephropathy. In chronic renal failure, renal function gradually declines, so waste products are no longer excreted, and values such as urea nitrogen and creatinine increase. At the beginning, there are not many subjective symptoms, but as renal failure progresses, waste products that should be excreted from the urine accumulate in the body, causing uremia. Since waste products are not excreted from the body, various symptoms appear in the body. The basis of treatment is diet, which means controlling blood pressure.
The kidney is an important organ that filters blood and excretes waste products together with urine. Nephritis is one of the main diseases of the kidney. There are acute nephritis and chronic nephritis. Both are diseases that cause inflammation of the glomerulus of the filter. Chronic nephritis is classified into several types, such as those that have become chronic from acute nephritis and those that are related to immune abnormalities, but those that persist for a long period of time. Symptoms include impaired blood filtration, resulting in decreased urine output and swelling, and hematuria and proteinuria. In addition, chronic nephritis may lead to renal failure as renal function declines, so care must be taken.
Generally speaking, cystitis is bacterial, and it is a condition in which bacteria which invade the bladder and cause inflammation. Women, in particular, have a shorter urethra and are more likely to have cystitis than men. Symptoms include frequent urination, pain in urination, and feeling of residual urine, and hematuria and urine may become cloudy. In addition, even if you think that you have recovered, you may have repeated recurrences. Cystitis-like symptoms can also be caused by coldness, impaired blood flow, and fatigue rather than being bacterial. Frequent urination due to nervousness is also common. For treatment, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory agents are commonly used for bacterial cystitis. In Chinese medicine, including frequent urination, feeling of residual urine, and pain in urination, in Chinese medicine, it is called "Rin", and cystitis is treated as loneliness, regardless of whether it is bacterial or nonbacterial. Looking at the condition such as urination pain, coldness, fatigue, nervousness, etc..., if there is inflammation and pain, it is called "heat loneliness", if it is due to fatigue, it is called "labor loneliness", if it is cold, it is called "cold loneliness". However, most of them are bacterial, so it seems that antibiotic treatment is quick. However, if you are non-bacterial, if you have no symptoms but have no symptoms, if you have repeated bladder nerve symptoms, you should try Chinese medicine.
The patient
With the cystitis the lower abdomen is painful, the urine are "muddy", unsatisfying and numerous. The number of urination increase with the cold temperature. His fat rate and his cholesterol are high. After 4 days the urination are smoother. After 10 days the pain in the lower abdomen disappear. After 3 weeks all the symptoms disappear. The treatment gonna last 6 weeks.
In general, as men get older, they are less likely to urinate than when they were young. The most common cause is benign prostatic hyperplasia. The prostate is an organ about the size of a walnut just below the bladder and plays a role in producing semen together with the seminal vesicles. And the urethra passes through this middle. As you get older, your prostate grows larger and larger. As a result, the urethra is compressed, making it difficult for urine to come out. You can also measure the urine flow rate yourself. Have a clock with a second hand and a measuring cup in the bathroom. For measuring cups, it is sufficient to scale the paper cups yourself at 100 ml and 200 ml. Now, urinate in a paper cup and measure the time from the beginning to the end. Then divide the amount of urine by the time of urination (seconds). For example, if it takes 30 seconds to urinate 200 ml, divide 200 by 30 to 6.7. In other words, the amount of urine flowing per second (average urine flow rate) is 6.7 ml. If it is below this number, there is a possibility of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
The patient
The patient had three times urinary stone and ones he was hospitalised. Now he feel heaviness and pain around the kidneys on the back. He has a high cholesterol rate. After 2 weeks the blood and the pain disappeared. After one month and half the whole symptoms disappeared. After 3 months the body got much warmer. The treatment gonna last 5 months.
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