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Kampo Pharmacy

Digestive Diseases
Stomach symptoms : nausea, loss of apetit, stomach pain, belch, acidity. Intestinal symptoms : constipation, diarrhea, lower abdominal pain, ulceration colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome.
Forecast : Chronic stomach pain can lead to gastritis, enteritis, ulcer. Chronic abdominal pain can lead to intestinal obstruction, or severe constipation, chronic constipation or diarrhea to irritable bowel symdrome...
Gastritis is an acute inflammatory lesion on the mucous membrane of the stomach. Causes include drinking too much alcohol or coffee, drinking too much spicy food, drinking and eating too much, taking antibiotics and painkillers. It may also be due to an infectious disease such as a cold.
Chronic gastritis includes those in which the surface of the gastric mucosa is affected by chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa, those in which the gastric mucosa is atrophied and thinned, and those in which the gastric mucosa is thickened. There are various causes, such as living environment and genetic factors, and it is thought that gastric juice digests the inner wall of the stomach.
In the case of gastrointestinal illness, it is necessary to be careful because the symptoms tend to worsen due to excessive water intake, cold stomach, and mental anxiety. By improving these, the gastrointestinal balance is often normalized.
Gastrointestinal disorders
This include many different troubles like, diarrhea, nausea, constipation, ulcer, gastritis, reflux esophagitis etc... All this problems appear with others symptoms such as heaviness, loss of appetite, light sleep or insomnia, fatigue, depression etc...
The Patient (1)
Since few days the patient has to go to the toilet 4 times a day and suffer of loose stool. One month ago, the patient abused of cold foods and drinks.
After 3 days of Kampo the diarrhea and the pain stopped. After 10 days of treatment the number of stools get back to the normal. The patient gonna keep drinking is Kampo for 3 weeks to be able to eat ice cream without problem again.
The patient (2)
Since few years, when the patient eat a lot, he suffer of stomach pain, tightness and discomfort in the chest, belch, loss of appetite for few days, painful and numerous loose stools. His cholesterol level and fate rate are high.
After 1 month of Kampo, the stomach pain and the discomfort in the chest almost disappeared. After 2 month of treatment the appetite came back the loose stools and the belch disappeared. After 4 month of treatment the whole problem disappeared and the patient don't feel belly discomfort anymore. He feels also much more powerful so he gonna continue the treatment 3 more months.
The causes of constipation can be divided into organic constipation and functional constipation.
One is that the bowel is narrowed due to cancer, inflammation, adhesion, etc. (organic constipation), and the other is that there is no such cause and the function of the intestine is abnormal. If it occurs (functional constipation).
In the former case, the principle is to eliminate the cause.
Most of the daily constipation is caused by the latter, that is, functional causes, and along with constipation that is said to be due to some adhesion, Kampo treatment works well. Some people with constipation may experience severe abdominal pain or severe diarrhea when taking laxatives that work by stimulating the intestines, resulting in poor bowel movements. From the standpoint of Kampo medicine, these patients are often false proofs, and it is especially advisable to try Kampo treatment.
In the treatment of constipation, it is important to know what kind of symptoms other than constipation are and what your constitution is.
Also, it is not appropriate to think of it as a constipation equal laxative. Some people with constipation may experience severe abdominal pain or severe diarrhea when taking laxatives that work by stimulating the intestines, resulting in poor bowel movements. Even if a crude drug that acts as a laxative is not included, bowel movements may occur.
When using Chinese herbal medicine for constipation, it stimulates the intestinal tract to activate peristaltic movement (movement to move and excrete the intestinal contents), or moisturizes the intestinal tract and moves stool. Chinese herbal medicines are used to stimulates the intestinal tract, moisturizing and warm the intestinal tract.
The close relationship between skin and bowels.
When the stools are not expel everyday, toxins start to move from the intestines to the blood and gonna affect the skin. If the constipation is not treated quickly, it can lead to acne, spot and blemish, pimple or rough skin. Physiological stools are expel ones a day, without discomfort or frustration. The stool are neither loose or hard, but a regular shape. When the rhythm decrease or the stool start to be small, hard, dry or not completely satisfying, then we talk about Constipation.
The Patient (1)
Since few month, the patient goes only once a week to the toilet. the patient has some acne on the face, painful menstruation and headache.
Soon after she start drinking Kampo the rhythm of the stools get to the normal and her stiff body is getting better. After three months of Kampo the constipation and the menstrual pain disappear and the skin is getting much more beautiful than before. After 5 month of treatment she won't have any symptoms anymore but to avoid problems and improve her constitution she gonna keep drinking her kampo 4 more months.
The Patient (2)
Since two years the patient is suffering of constipation. He has stiff shoulders, headache, red pimple in many different part of his body. He go to the toilet only once every 4 days. He feel easily abdominal distension.
After few days of kampo, the stools are already getting better and the discomfort in the belly area. after 3 month of kampo the headache disappear and the number of pimples decreased. After 4 month, we can't notice his skin problem anymore. After 11 month of problem all the symptoms completely disappeared.
Mental stress is associated with irritable bowel syndrome as a cause of this symptom. The brain and intestinal tract are intimately connected by nerves and automatically control the function of the intestinal tract. Therefore, if you are nervous or worried, you may have nausea and diarrhea, or others symptoms like stomach pain and discomfort, constipation, loss of appetite... Reducing the causes of stress can help relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Adding fiber foods to your diet can also help relieve abdominal pain, smooth bowel movements, and prevent diarrhea by absorbing excess fluid in the intestinal tract.
Caffeine, dairy products and alcohol can exacerbate the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Also, nicotine can exacerbate the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
Since there are many types of Chinese herbs, it is suitable for the person's constitution and can be expected to have a certain degree of rapid effect.
The Patient (1)
Suffer of abdominal discomfort and distention, diarrhea and constipation, and feel stomach pain with stress. He also complain about tinnitus. After 1 month of treatment the discomfort almost disappeared. After three months, the stools get back to the normal and the short temper disappeared. After 5 month of treatment the patient doesn't feel symptoms under stress. He gonna stop the treatment after 9 months.
The patient (2)
Stomach pain and acid re-flux especially with hunger. Loss of appetite, and insomnia when he ate too much and eructation. After one month of Kampo he doesn't complain about eructation anymore, after 2 months the pain and the distention belly disappear. After 4 months of treatment Appetite came back and heaviness disappear. The patient gonna continue the treatment until the next gastroscopy and the examination won't show any problem.
Ulcerative colitis is a disease in which the mucous membrane of the large intestine becomes inflamed for some reason, causing erosions and ulcers. Inflammation is usually thought to begin in the rectum near the anus and then spread to the colon behind it. Inflammation of the intestines causes symptoms such as diarrhea, mucous stools (loose stools with blood, mucus, and pus), fever, and weight loss. The condition often subsides (remission phase) and worsens (active phase), and may be associated with the disease for a long period of time.
From the lower rectum to the anus, the blood vessels have a network structure. This structure protects the anus from impact and prevents watery stools from leaking. Hemorrhoids develop when the cushion grows due to repeated inflammation, or when the tissue that connects the cushion to the muscles weakens and the cushion shifts downwards. Internal hemorrhoids: Hemorrhoids that form deeper than the pectinate line, and there is almost no pain mainly due to prolapse and bleeding. External hemorrhoids: Some are only recognized as protrusions from the anus and do not cause pain or bleeding, while others are accompanied by bloody blister (thrombus) and sudden swelling and severe pain. Anal fissure: Damage to the anal epithelium, the main symptom is pain during or after defecation. In Kampo, the cause of hemorrhoids is blood stagnation. In addition, diarrhea and constipation are closely related to blood, so it is important to keep in mind normal bowel movements. If you have constipation with hemorrhoids, it is important to treat them in parallel. If you have bloody hemorrhoid, you can use Chinese herbs containing hemostatic effects.
The patient (1) 10 years ago, the hemorrhoids issue start. The patient suffer of bloody stool, itchy anus and constipation. After one month of Kampo the constipation stopped. The bloody stool stopped after 2 months of Kampo. After 4 months the size of the hemorrhoids reduced. The whole treatment took 7 months.
The patient (2) suffer of hemorrhoids since 4 years. The hemorrhoid get out with the stool and with pain. Sometimes there is bloody stool. The patient feel easily tired. After 1 month of Kampo the heaviness disappeared. Three months of treatment could cure the bloody stools. After 5 months the size of hemorrhoids reduce. After 8 months the rectal prolapse was cured.
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